A few weeks ago I finished my first sweater in Koigu's Kersti. I didn't want a pattern that would compete with the beautiful color, so I used Knitting Pure & Simple's Mid Weight Neck Down Pullover. You'll see the pattern shows the sweater on a woman, but it can be just as easily used for a man. Directions are given for shaping, but they're optional. Many patterns for women can be easily adjusted for men by removing the shaping.
By the time I'd selected the brown for my sweater, some of it had sold. We buy the Koigu in dyelots, which often vary greatly from one another. I wasn't sure the remaining hanks gave me enough yarn, so I found a complementary multi to use for the stripe. It didn't look right when I switched from the main to the contrast color. I ripped out and knit one row of the orange to create a border, which did the trick.
In the end, I did have enough of the main color to have knit the whole sweater. However, I almost exclusively wear solid colored clothes, so I'm glad to have a little color added to my wardrobe!