Tomorrow night over 1200 knitters will gather with their families and friends at Citizens Bank Park for Stitch N' Pitch Philadelphia. Yes, over 1200! It's not too late to join us if you haven't bought your tickets yet. This is a great opportunity to spend some time outside with other knitters!
Socks seem to be the project of choice for knitting at the game. Gee You Knit sock yarn has been the recent favorite. Hand dyed by our very own Elizabeth, it's a sock-friendly merino/nylon blend that comes in a convenient 450 yard skein. One $22 skein will yield one pair of socks. Of course we also have Koigu KPM, Shepherd Sock, and a lovely selection of Anne for all your sock knitting needs.
I found out last week that I'll be throwing the ceremonial first pitch. It's been a long time since I've been to a baseball game, let alone thrown a baseball. I haven't practiced, but I found several sites on how to pitch a baseball and even a few videos, like this one -
I have been warned to expect booing if I don't make it over home plate. I'll be counting on my fellow knitters to cheer me on! I'll be pitching at 6:30; I hope you can make it.
We'll be closing a 4 pm tomorrow so we have time to get to the park and set up. See you there!